NovaBACKUP Data Protection Blog

Backing Up Before An Update Is Not Optional

The re-release of Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 update (version 1809) is the 6th major release of the operating system, and brings with it some impressive new features from a Dark Mode in Explorer, to Screenshot, Search, and Clipboard improvements. It goes without saying that this upgrade is an important one.

And while most of the issues have been shaken out at this point, the original release of this version in October was nothing short of a fiasco. Users complained of lost data (deleted Documents folder), installation, configuration and performance problems. Yikes! This was enough to have Microsoft stop the rollout entirely, and suspend it until mid November.

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System administrators understand that making changes to their operating system bring with it certain risks, but the average Joe may be lulled into some sense of security by Microsoft’s attempts to make every update sound painless.


NovaStor recommends performing a full system backup prior to any Operating System update. Don’t have backup software? There’s no excuse. Products like Business Essentials offer fully functional trial versions (15 days) allowing you to:

While a Disaster Recovery Image may get you back in business, you also need to ensure that always running applications, like SQL and Exchange, are natively supported by your backup solution so that databases are properly paused and backed up regularly – to ensure they are restorable without any data gap.

While clicking that update button may be enticing, it should be translated into “backup now” in your mind to create some sense of security that you can always get back to where you left off if need be.