NovaBACKUP Data Protection Blog

4 Risks Associated With Storing Data In The Cloud


Cloud solutions have by and large become more popular among consumers and businesses alike, but there are still a number of things to consider about these platforms. While storing data in the cloud can bring some advantages to operations, there are significant risks that are associated with storing data in this type of environment. Let's take a look at some of the biggest issues that may be encountered in the cloud:

1. Security

When it comes to company information, one of the most prevalent concerns is protection. Most providers use basic security including passwords and user logins, but these measures are no longer enough to stand against today's hackers. BusinessNewsDaily contributor Sara Angeles noted that even as cloud companies increase their safety measures, hackers are likewise becoming craftier in their attempts to steal your data and documents. In addition, if you're in a heavily regulated sector like healthcare, the vendor's security may not be enough to maintain compliance with industry standards. Your best bet would to be to keep a copy of critical backups onsite to ensure that you aren't placing all of your chips on the cloud to effectively deter cyberattacks.

Security in the cloud is a major risk for business data.Security in the cloud is a major risk for business data.

2. Lack of standardization

In addition to security being a major cloud issue, vendors don't follow a set standard of protocols when it comes to supporting businesses. Angeles stated that providers could have different definitions of what "safe" looks like, how much uptime you're guaranteed and what other resources are provided. Alongside an unregulated field, not all cloud companies give their clients the same level of support - in fact, some may not help you at all. This means that any cloud adopter must carefully choose their vendor, or risk being left in the dark when disaster hits.

3. Control over information

"When you migrate to cloud servers, who really owns your information?"

When your data is on your hardware, you're in full control and ownership of it, but when you migrate it to cloud servers, who really owns your information? The answer should be that you still own it, but the reality is much bleaker. InfoWorld contributor Roger Grimes noted that many public cloud providers include contract clauses that the vendor owns stored data. This is often done to give providers legal protection, but could significantly hurt your organization in the long run. You should be able to govern your data as you please without the fear that it'll be sold by a cloud vendor.

4. Outages

The cloud's anytime, anywhere availability is one of the most touted benefits of the platform. However, this capability doesn't always ring true as it needs one critical element: an Internet connection. If a bad storm wipes out your Internet, what should you do then? What if the vendor's network goes down? Both of these situations have real consequences and can significantly affect your ability to operate effectively.

Why not avoid these risks altogether? With a comprehensive backup solution, not only will you be able to manage your data as you see fit, but you can also have peace of mind that it's always accessible, protected and follows a set of standards. Using this system, your business can mitigate cloud risks and maintain your critical information.